In light of the recent financial crisis, many families are finding it more difficult to find ends meet. Single income families are some of the most affected, and stay at home moms may be looking for part-time work to supplement the family income. They may also be simply looking for a role that can offer them additional extra stimulation without the time constraints of regular full-time work. Fortunately, there are a number of different available jobs for stay at home moms who are interested in taking on some casual or part time work.
The internet is a great source for jobs for stay at home parents. It offers a wide range of opportunities for employment. Some of these are very casual and low key, while others are a bit more formal and closer to the office environment.
One of the most popular jobs for stay at home moms is data entry. If you have a computer and an internet connection, youll be able to take on this role with ease. Data entry involves inputting information into a companys computer system. This may be financial information, or information about clients purchasing or personal details. You may be asked to update databases, or amend email addresses as details change. A quick search online should bring up a number of data entry roles that you can apply for.
Other jobs for stay at home moms looking for work include writing and editing jobs. If you have well developed English skills, you may be able to take up this line of work. There are many companies who are looking for people to assist them with correspondence and other day to day writing activities. Many of them do not require large amounts of experience, and the workload is often quite flexible. This can be a good choice for moms who are looking to stretch themselves a little bit.
As a stay at home mom considering work, you could also undertake some more casual jobs at home or in the neighborhood. One of these is tutoring or coaching. If you have a particular area of expertise, such as the ability to play an instrument, or an interest in math, this might be for you. Students may be willing to come to your home, or you can meet at a nearby location such as your local library. Tutoring and teaching can pay quite well, and you will usually be able to set your own preferred hours.
Other neighborhood type jobs for stay at home moms include babysitting, dog sitting, and cat sitting, where you will be paid for the time you spend looking after someones child or pets. You can also consider dog walking or letterboxing jobs, as these are very flexible in terms of the time they require. You should be able to fit them around your parenting schedule with relative ease. For example, you may be able to walk a dog while taking your baby for a stroll. Or perhaps you can deliver advertising material at night when your partner is at home to look after your children.