Have you heard about all the great opportunities to be able to work from your home? Some of the hype is nothing but a scheme to get you to part with your hard earned money, but there are also many legitimate home based businesses that allow you to make a decent income. You need to be careful and do your research and it is possible to make money on the internet. In all reality you are not going to make thousands of dollars every week by turning on your computer for ten minutes like some sites promise, but with some steady consistent effort you can make a living staying at home.
A year and a half ago I began looking into different home based businesses. I learned the hard way that not of them are legitimate. I paid money to receive information about getting involved in a few businesses. Once I paid my money for the information I discovered that either I had to make large additional investments or I needed additional computer skills than I have. It was a tough lesson but through it all I did find a dealership with a company that I have been able to make some money with. The difficult part is the issue of private health insurance. Once I was gone from my former job for eighteen months I was no longer able to get my insurance at the reduced group rate. Private health insurance costs are extremely high, especially if I wanted the total coverage that I had in the past. My husbands health insurance was paid for him at his employment but it would cost three hundred dollars a month to add me on. I received several price quotes for private health insurance but none of them were as extensive coverage as my husbands work policy so I was added on. This meant that not only was I making less money than I had on my job doing the home based business but know my husbands checks were smaller because they took out the insurance premiums.
One day my husband was telling me about his day and he mentioned meeting with a provider that was located ten miles from our home. She was looking for a case manager. I called her and found out that she needed a person to work part-time. The pay was not that great but health care benefits were included for a fee of twenty dollars a month. I interviewed and took the job. The case management is fun and the part-time hours allow me to continue to work on the home based business. My husband feels like he got a raise too because they are no longer taking the insurance premiums out of his check. I think the high cost of private health insurance keeps many people working for companies that offer health insurance as a benefit.