Unlike product training, customization or other suchlike services, technical support services are provided to help a user resolve specific product problems. This service is provided by most companies for their products, either for free or at a fee. It is usually delivered via the telephone, chat, email or via a website. Apart from the manufacturers, other service companies may offer the service and charge a premium fee for it. The internet also abounds with free resources for technical support services.
Depending on the nature of the problem and its scope, technical support delivery may be done using different technologies. In case of simple direct questions, online chat or e-mail is favored. Basic software problems like installation and troubleshooting can be addressed over the telephone or remote access repair services. Hardware related problems may need to be dealt in person. However, they are rare. In recent years, there has been a growing trend to outsource technical support services to call centers or technical support departments in countries where this would be cheaper. Companies specializing in providing technical support, called Managed Service Providers (MSPs) have also come up.
When technical support services are outsourced, their availability is much higher and in some cases, a high level of customer service is provided. This may also come at a lower cost to the business. Outsourcing also allows core employees to focus more on maintaining productivity to the product while utilizing specialized personnel to handle technical problems related to the product, which may exceed the scope of the manufacturing company.
In order to provide the best possible support service, many businesses use a multi-tiered technical support structure. The 3-tiered technical support structure for example, has the initial support level for basic customer issues that involves gathering customer information, analyzing symptoms, resolving physical layer issues, usernames, passwords, software set up and assistance in menu navigation. The second level is more in-depth and involves assisting level one personnel resolve technical problems. It includes onsite installations, replacements, software repair and diagnostic testing. Level 3 is the highest support level and handles advanced problems. This is expert-level troubleshooting and analysis and may involve the original developers analysis.
So the next time you have a problem with your software and you call the technical support services office, it helps to keep in mind that your problem is being handled by experienced technicians whose main objective is to have your problem resolved and leave you satisfied.