I'm not stupid. I've known for some time that my pack-a-day smoking habit will probably be the death of me if I don't quit soon. I also know something that most people don't: supposedly, if you stop smoking before you're 30, your chances of dying from lung cancer are not significantly higher than the general population. What a great cheat I get to smoke for a couple of decades and then retire, spending the rest of my life in great health!
The thing that worries me about cigarettes is not the health consequences. It is the cost. That is why I have started buying wholesale direct cigarettes. I didn't even know you could get wholesale cigarettes until recently. I knew about duty free cigarettes, but it didn't seem worth the drive across the border to get them. With wholesale cigarettes, however, they come to you. There are literally thousands of sites on the Internet that will sell you wholesale tobacco products, and you don't have to do anything but enter your credit card number, choose your cancer, and wait for it to come in the mail.
I figured I would save well over a thousand dollars a year by buying wholesale cigarettes. Cigarette prices keep going up and up. It seems that, whenever they want to fund some new anti-smoking agenda, they put the squeeze on smokers. I was upset when they topped four dollars a pack, and that was years age! I swear, some of my cigarette smoking friends are trying to get into hard drugs just because it is cheaper! In all seriousness, I thought that wholesale cigarette buying would be the solution. I didn't think about the law of unintended consequences.
The problem is, now I have cartons of wholesale cigarettes sitting around my house. It is easy to save cigarettes when you buy them a pack at a time. As you get to your last few, you smoke them more slowly. You know that, as soon as you're done, you have to go to the store and buy more. It hurts to part with the money again, so you try to conserve. When you have an almost endless supply in front of you all the time, however, it is much more difficult to be sensible about it. Who cares if you open another pack? You have 40 more sitting there just waiting for you! All and all, I haven't saved much money. All I do is put more wear on my lungs.