Jogging accessories that will make your exercise routine more enjoyable
Jogging is an increasingly popular sport as people around the country are trying to get in shape. Jogging is something that you can do almost anywhere, and any time. In addition, you don't need any expensive equipment to get started. All you need is yourself, some determination, and a decent pair of jogging shoes. However, if you have been running seriously, or you just like to invest in the newest gadgets, there are a number of jogging accessories you can try out. Jogging accessories fall all across the spectrum of jogging gear. They might include different types of clothing, or electronic gadgets.
One of the more useful jogging accessories is a stopwatch. You can purchase a specialized stopwatch, or see if you can find a regular watch, or even a phone that has this feature. A stopwatch can be used to time your over all running time to see whether you are increasing your running speeds. It can also be used for interval training. For example, you can set your stopwatch to beep at twenty second intervals. Sprint for twenty seconds, then walk for twenty seconds, then jog for twenty seconds, and then start all over again.
Another of the more popular jogging accessories is a pedometer. A pedometer is a device that can tell you how many steps you've taken. This can be useful in ensuring that you've done the required amount of steps in a day. For example, you might have a target of 10,000 steps per day in order to promote weight loss or general toning. Using a pedometer, you can see whether you're on track to meet this target. If not, you'll know how much more work needs to be done so that you can catch up!
Sports towels are one of those jogging accessories that no one should be without. This is definitely the case if you're prone to sweating. Sports towels are specially designed towels that are both small and ultra absorbent. They're easy to carry around in your workout bag, or even on your person or in your pocket. You can use them to wipe yourself down after a run or a workout, or to wipe your face if you find that you're working up a sweat while you run.
Other useful jogging accessories are mobile phone and iPod arm bands. These arm bands strap around your arm. They have a pocket to keep your mobile phone and your iPod secure while you run. This means that you won't have to hold these items in your hands. You'll find that your jog is more comfortable as a result, and you won't have to worry about dropping these expensive items when running.
One final type of jogging accessory you might want to try is the humble sweatband. Sure, they look silly, but they're very effective. You can put sweatbands on your hands or around your forehead. The idea is that they soak up any sweat that you generate in these areas, making your run more enjoyable.