The world wide web is truly a world of wonders. In the past several decades, it has exploded. A superhighway of information, it is now, more than ever, a user friendly arena that allows a person to carve out their own little corner of the world. However, a growing fad allows not only you, but your newborn, to make to make their own digital footprint in the ever growing internet blogosphere. Baby blogs are becoming an increasingly popular way to update the world about your little bundle of joy. To fully understand the phenomenon, we must examine what baby blogs are, before looking at some of pros and cons associated with them.
First, what are baby blogs? Baby blogs are blogs designed with the specific intent of sharing information, photos and videos of a young child. They typically are established after the child is born, but some baby blogs are set up well before delivery, chronicling the pregnancy of the mother. Once the baby is born, the blogs are usually updated several times a week with accompanying photos and videos. Posts may include descriptions of a day's events, or be limited to special occasions or milestones (baby's first bath, baby is learning to talk, etc.), depending on the parent's preferences. Sometimes just one parent is responsible for updating the baby blog, and sometimes it is a collaborative effort. While some parents will choose to leave the blog public, most establish security settings so that only friends and family members are able to view the posts.
You may be wondering what all the fuss is about with baby blogs. The thing is, there are some big pros and cons associated with baby blogs. On one side, it is a very efficient way to keep your friends and family updated on the development of your child. Phone calls are not always convenient, picture texts can be expensive, and if you live far from home, the demand for information may be great. This is an easy way to get out information on a regular basis, quickly. It also provides a digital scrapbook for you to look over as time goes on!
However, that does not mean that baby blogs don't come with a downside. If you don't have proper security on your blog, you may end up with a baby stalker, which is creepy in a multitude of ways. Moreover, you may irritate some friends and family members with your frequency of posting. For some people, you can never put up enough. For others, three daily posts about your child's diaper habits is a little overwhelming. Take this into consideration as you set up your baby blog.