
Thursday, March 12, 2015

My one girlfriend and I have a wonderful relationship that

My one girlfriend and I have a wonderful relationship that started with our enjoyment of gambling. We were co-workers when we discovered that we both enjoyed going to casinos. We started taking day trips together to area Indian gaming casinos. Before long we were venturing to casinos that were further from home and staying over night. Within a year we decided that we had a great deal of fun together so we would book a trip to Las Vegas. We both loved Vegas. Our husbands were willing to go there occasionally, but did not like to take annual trips. After our first trip my friend and I decided that we travel well together so we would take an annual long weekend to Vegas to play the slots and see some shows.

During our second trip we were having a day where neither one of us were lucky on the slot machines. Both of us had played poker before but we did not think we were good enough at the game to play the poker rooms of Vegas. We were too intimidated to go in. We decided to take a break from gambling and go up the room for a while. The hotel television had a special channel to teach you about the different gaming tables in the casino. We looked up poker rooms Vegas and found that the poker room in the next door casino was rated the friendliest in Las Vegas. We decided that we would go down and play a few hands to see how it would go. The site outlined poker rooms in Vegas catering to all playing levels and all budgets. We found a table with a low minimum bid that had room for two players. We both one a few hands and had a good time with the group we ere sitting with. We took our winnings and decided to try the slot machines again.

Since that experience we have spent more time playing poker at the local casinos. We thought that if we would get used to playing for money with strangers we would be more confident on our next trip. We both still enjoy playing slot machines, but we do take breaks once in a while to check out the poker rooms. The poker rooms in Vegas are more plush and comfortable than the ones in the local casinos. The locals have a tendency to be a bit more serious than in Vegas, which we never would have guessed. We are looking forward to our next trip away. Being in Vegas, even if it is only over a weekend is a great break for both of us.