Most women know that prenatal vitamins are essential for a healthy pregnancy. What they dont know is that they are far more important than they think. There are even some who will start taking them before they try to conceive so they are sure they are getting all they can get and the baby is getting good nutrition from the moment the sperm and egg meet. However, there are some who start taking them and then they quit, which is not a smart idea.
The reason that some women stop taking their prenatal vitamins is because they make them sick. This is actually quite common, but it is not smart to simply throw them away. If this is happening to you, you should get in to see your doctor as soon as you can to see if there is something you can do, or something else you can take. The prenatal vitamins have exactly what the pregnant body needs, and to stop taking them can cause imbalances within the body that can lead to some birth defects. Suffering for a few days until you can see your doctor is the wise decision for your baby.
There are some prenatal vitamins that you can buy over the counter, but you should ask a doctor if they are what you need. These might be better on your stomach, but they may not have everything you need. The prescribed vitamins may make you sick for a while, but it might pass after the first trimester has passed and your hormones have settled a bit. Those raging hormones are often the reason that some prenatal vitamins make some women sick when they take them. Some are lucky and dont have any upset what-so-ever, but many more experience some when taking them.
There are times when prenatal vitamins can be avoided, but a woman has to really know what she is doing with her nutritional needs. The menu they choose makes a huge difference in getting what they need each day for their baby and for themselves. This is not wise for most, as the feelings of morning sickness often mean women cant eat as they should, and the levels of vitamins and minerals become sorely lacking in what the body needs. Before you throw away your prenatal vitamins for any reason, find out what you need to do and what can happen by talking with your doctor for a clear picture of what is really going on.