Are you thinking you might be pregnant and wondering what the most common signs of pregnancy are? It's not all about a missed period and morning sickness, thats for sure. During pregnancy womens bodies experience countless wonderful and often unexpected changes, and its quite normal to have questions about how these changes might affect daily routines and relationships, and how to maintain good physical and mental health during pregnancy. Information about early symptoms and pregnancy in general can be found from a number of sources, including family planning centers, physicians offices, and of course, on the web. A first pregnancy can be different from second and third (or beyond!) pregnancies and the symptoms can vary greatly from woman to woman. And by the way, not every pregnancy involves morning sickness; there are a few lucky women who manage to avoid it completely!
So how do you know when its time to take a pregnancy test? The following signs of pregnancy can mean a possible or positive pregnancy. One of the cardinal early signs of pregnancy is sensitive, tender, swollen breasts caused by increasing levels of hormones that should diminish after the first trimester. Fatigue is another common sign of pregnancy due to increased levels of progesterone, as well as a slight amount of bleeding caused by implantation of the embryo into the lining of the uterus. For those women who unfortunate enough to escape it, morning sickness, or should we say morning/afternoon/evening sickness, doesnt start until about a month after conception. Increased sensitivity to odors may also be present due to higher estrogen levels, as well as abdominal bloating, and frequent urination due to increased fluid volume in the body. Those extra trips to the bathroom may signal pregnancy before you realize you didn't get your period! A missed period if youre usually on time can be a sign, but not if youre irregular or not keeping track. If you havent had one for a while, and you have any symptoms, take a home pregnancy test to find out for sure.
If youre at the point where youre ready to use a home pregnancy test, remember that not all tests are created equal. Many home pregnancy tests are not sensitive enough to detect most pregnancies until about a week after a missed period, so if you take one earlier and get a negative result, try again in a few days. If you get a positive result make an appointment with your health care provider or obstetrician. He or she will confirm the signs of pregnancy youve been experiencing with another pregnancy test in the office, and prescribe prenatal vitamins in addition to setting up a schedule for future prenatal visits. To find out the most common and not so common signs of pregnancy, go online and browse through lots of comprehensive pregnancy information, including due date calculators, baby names and everything else dedicated to having the best pregnancy and birth experience possible.