Kids birthday party food is one of the highlights of having a birthday party for your child. One of the great things about entertaining for kids is that you dont have to prepare anything fancy or expensive. Their tastes tend towards the simple and the unrefined, so if you keep your food easy and fun, theyll love it. If youre stuck for food ideas for a kids birthday party, never fear. There are plenty of easy options for the most time starved parent.
Popular foods for kids birthday parties include the old staples like party pies and sausage rolls. While you can make your own, these are readily available from your supermarket, and can be baked quickly in the oven. You might want to also buy or bake some pasties for children who may be vegetarian or who have special dietary needs. These pastry dense foods tend to be very popular with kids, and only need to be accompanied by a bowl of ketchup or barbecue sauce to be a great hit. They can be a bit flaky and messy, though, so make sure you keep napkins and plates on hand.
Another fun option for kids birthday party food is hot dogs. Big hotdogs are fun, but the small, cocktail style hotdogs are great, too. Place them on a place with a wooden toothpick already stuck in them, and theyll be easy for kids to pick up and carry around. You might want to consider threading some cheese or perhaps some sort of vegetable on to the toothpick, too. Bear in mind that these are pork based, and some children may not be able to eat them.
Another hugely popular kids birthday party food is fairy bread. Fairy bread is simply white bread that has been buttered and then covered with colored or chocolate sprinkles. Its very easy to make, but looks great stacked up on a colorful plate.
Spiders are a great, fun drink that you can serve at a kids birthday party. Spiders are simply a glass of soda with a scoop of ice-cream in it. You can mix and match different flavors, and even add some extra treats to them. These are a great hit with kids, but beware that they can foam and make a mess if youre not careful.
Frog in the pond is another party favorite. A frog in the pond is simply a cup of jelly that has had a chocolate frog or other chocolate or candy added to it. The jelly sets around the chocolate, holding it in place. These make a great dessert, and theyre simple and easy to make.
Another fun dessert is candy skewers. Simply thread marshmallows, jelly snakes, and any other type of fairly soft candy on to a skewer. You can really add anything you like to these, as long as its soft enough to be threaded on to a skewer. You can them arrange them like flowers in a vase. These look great as an option for kids birthday party food, and theyre tasty, too!