There are hundreds of magazines available at any one time and it would be impossible to read them all. The original concept of the Readers Digest was to collect together and condense magazine articles, so the reader could conveniently read the best ones. This idea was to prove immensely popular and the magazine has been successful since its launch in 1922 through mail order. The first newsstand edition appeared in 1929.
The family monthly publication originated in the US and gradually spread across the world. There are now 49 foreign editions in 21 different languages, each country publishing content that is relevant to their local culture. It has been particularly popular in the UK since the first issue there in 1938. The Readers Digest still tops the poll in the US as the best selling consumer magazine in the country.
Some things go across borders and are popular across the world and items such as quizzes, jokes, puzzles and amusing anecdotes are staple favorites for Readers Digest readers. The articles from other publications have been joined by original articles too, in addition to regular columns and features. Readers are encouraged to send in their letters, jokes and stories. One of the most popular monthly features is the book excerpt. Readers especially like feel good stories where individuals struggle against the odds but win through in the end.
The magazine appeals to all age ranges and adults and teenagers can always find something that appeals to them. Readers Digest has always tackled controversial subject matter whilst still maintaining an ethos of family values. Its success owes a lot to the variety of content found within its pages. There is an advice column, regular interviews with celebrities and a word power feature for building a vocabulary. Entertainment, current affairs and true life adventures are all there. Other contributions include articles on health issues, business news, food and recipes and features on home dcor and gardens.
This publication can be avidly enjoyed from cover to cover or readers can cherry pick their favorite features. Readers Digest also publish anthology versions of the magazine, available through subscription. These are called Select Editions and they offer the reader a chance to pursue a particular interest. There is an excellent web site for the magazine that contains message boards, cartoons, crossword puzzles and sodoku. The magazine is an institution and part of the culture, preserving its traditions and keeping up with modern trends.