We've all heard people complaining about how schools don't spend enough time teaching students grammar. Some argue that today's students don't study grammar at all. While this isn't strictly true, as anyone who speaks a language fluently is aware of grammar on some level, the formal study of grammar can have some benefits.
Those who want to study grammar in a formal manner can easily do so online. A quick google search will bring up a large variety of different options for learning grammar. You can start with the basics, or dive in at a more intermediate level. Basically, you should pick a site or program that matches your level of knowledge and that meets your interests.
People who are learning a second language may find that there is some benefit from studying grammar. If they study grammar they can better describe why certain languages work in certain ways. Native speakers of a language have an intuitive understanding of how their language works, but often can't explain why. However, learning formal grammar can be very beneficial in nutting out how a foreign language works. Look online for the particular language that interests you, and you'll be able to find a variety of useful study tools for grammar.
If you want to work in a writing or editorial role, it can be a good idea to study grammar. There are many different blogs and websites that focus on formal grammar for editors and writers. Certain issues arise for editors and writers that won't be a problem for many other people, so it's great to have these sorts of resources at your fingertips. Look around, and you'll be able to find the answer to almost any grammar question you have on these websites.
Many people want to study grammar so that they can
You can take formal courses in studying grammar online. You can do these through a tertiary institution or other institution. Many of these offer single classes or longer courses in grammar or related topics. These can be great for people looking to brush up on their skills for work, or who have a long standing interest in grammar.
Those who are looking for a less formal introduction can try English learning websites. These often have the basics of grammar broken down into easily accessible bites. You can use this information to find out all sorts of basic, useful facts about the names of particular grammatical terms, as well as how to describe certain components of English grammar.
Many linguists and grammarians also have websites or blogs where they discuss grammar or language learning. These can be very handy for people who want to study grammar. These people are experts in their field, and can offer all sorts of valuable grammatical information. In addition, these blogs and websites are often interactive. This means that you can ask questions or post opinions about particular grammatical facts if you wish to.