If you are looking for part time work from home opportunities, your first stop should be at www.craigslist.com. You will have to wade through some irrelevant ads and a few crazies and scammers, but if you know how and where to look, you could find yourself doing a great part time work from home job. These part time work from home jobs have some great fringe benefits. The biggest of these benefits is that you dont have to deal with everybodys different personalities when you have to go to an office. If you hate driving five miles an hour for two hours a day while stuck in freeway traffic, part time work from home might just seem like the ticket to staying sane. When you work for yourself you never have to kowtow to some self-important boss. Sure you may make a little less, but just think of all the time you will save, not to mention gas.
Stress is one of the biggest health threats in our country today. With so many people stuck in traffic and stuck in their nine to five, grind it out, staring at the wall clock and counting down each second until you get to go home, miserable jobs, you would think that more people would just love to be able to do part time work from home. But most folks just dont know how to motivate or organize themselves enough to be successful at working from home. In order to have the luxury of working from your home, you first need to be able to be strict with yourself. Just because you are working from home does not mean that you dont have to work. You still have to do some sort of hourly or flat fee labor otherwise you just dont get paid and you will at some point have to either get a real job (God forbid) or become a homeless person. It is your choice.
If you can become disciplined enough to get up early (not too early since you dont need to get dressed or drive anywhere) and work hard until mid afternoon or so (just in time for your nap), you can definitely find enough part time work from home to fill up some hours and make yourself some decent income.
Craigslist gigs run the gamut from dog-walking, resume writing, blog posting, film acting, extra work, to entertainment such as wedding bands wanted. Most of them dont pay all that great and a lot of them just say No under compensation, but you need to stay tenacious and check every day. New postings crop up quick so if you see a job that you even remotely may qualify for, you should just apply for it and see what happens. Even if you get a resounding No you may pick up two gigs the next day. With income from home you just need to try it once and you may never go back to the factory.