Most of the concerns or problems that you will encounter with your compost pile are
minor and relatively easy to rectify. They involve rotating the pile more; adjusting the
material you are putting in; and layering enough brown food for the top layer. The issue
of your pile not heating up will require more investigation.
The first thing to consider when your pile wont heat up (when you are using the hot or
active compost method) is if you have enough green and brown food added. If your pile
is new this will take time. But if you have an established pile that wont heat up, either
your pile is too large or you are not adding enough to start the decomposing process.
Another reason your compost pile may not be heating up is the presence of too much
brown food. If you have added a lot of leaves or other brown matter (high in carbon), put
in more green food that is high in nitrogen. The presence of carbon and nitrogen is
necessary in the correct ratio (2:1).
If your pile is too dry this will prevent it from getting hot too. The microbes need a moist
environment to do their work. Add just enough water to make the pile damp or add moist
green food such as vegetable or fruit waste and grass clippings.
When you are using the hot composting method, remember to keep all matter smaller
than three inches. This will speed up the process and ensure all matter is broken up
evenly. If the mixture has large pieces it can delay the heating up process.
Weather is a factor too. If you are concerned that your compost is not heating up and it is
fall or winter most likely it is too cold for the process to start. You can try insulating
your compost pile or wait for the spring.