In assembling the pieces, too, the full-scale layout proves its worth.
Points of assembly can be marked accurately on the various pieces by
laying them in super-imposed position on the drawing and using the drawing
as a guide in marking the points on the wood where other pieces are to be joined.
Constant references to the full-scale drawing in this manner will result in
a well-constructed project with a minimum of mistakes and wood waste.
The assembly of a piece of furniture can proceed in many ways, some right,
many wrong. The right way to assemble a piece is to break it up into a
series of "T's" and "L's", joining together all the T's first, and then
all the L's.
A "T" assembly consists of two pieces that form a "T" when joined together;
two pieces that form an "L" when joined constitute an "L" assembly.
By joining your T's and L's first, you give each screwed and glued joint a
chance for the glue to harden before straining it with an added assembly.
Soon after a piece has been glued and joined, the glue forms a skin and begins
to harden.
At this crucial stage if the piece is mishandled enough to break this skin
and separate the glued pieces slightly, the two separated surfaces
of glue will form individual skins and thus destroy the glue's ability to
bond For best results, surfaces to be glued should be well squared (use a
large square to check this) and glued pieces should be given sufficient
time to dry before working with them further.
Check the instructions on the glue container for required drying time.