Bass fishermen, the internet can now help you sink that hook
That's right, the power of computers has entered the bass fishing game you can't escape them. Old timers might not like the idea that bass are somehow related to computers. That's not the way we did it, right? Well, did you ever keep a log when you fished for bass. Many of the old timers did; in fact, that was considered the mark of a dedicated bass fisherman, that he studied out his prey. You probably had a notebook in which you jotted down such information as the bass' depths when you were catching them. You were sure to record the cover you found there, and you must have indicated which of your array of lures and bait did the job. You kept these logs for each trip and often referred to them when fishing the same place. You were collecting information, old timer, and that's what computers do too.
Sure, there are some who can remember everything when they went bass fishing, remember the time of day they made their catch, any maybe the lures shape, color, weight and leader length, but, unless you just go once a year, you've probably made many catches at many places throughout your bass fishing career and probably can't remember them all. That's why you kept a log. That's what a computer can do for you too, keep a log.
With laptop computers now available, there's no reason to keep that paper log that probably has a water stain on every page, bait juices, maybe even a spot or two of bass blood. The thing is hard to read now. Get it all into a laptop and there will no more unreadable entries to plague you again.
What, just make a document, you ask. Sure, you could do that, but there's an even better way of keeping records of your fishing excursions. You can create your own log on the internet. There the Fisherman's Log, essentially an online database on bass fishing. You are able to enter information on spots you've fished for bass. You bring up the page and record the specifics of your bass hunt for the day. You can also view other fishermen's logs, an especially useful feature when you're going to places you've never been before. You just search for the fish you're after and a report tells you everything you'll need for that day. It even allows you to get predictions based on the data already collected. Good way to select the next spot. It'll tell you what lures to use, at what depth they've been caught, best time of day, and the best bait to use. You can find out how they respond to baitfish activity, in general. You can get even more general information, such as their spawning habits.
Because bass follow rigid habits, knowing how they behave will give you an advantage. At least you wont be going off riding on the boat of lady luck. You'll have computer information, and it's information that puts you over the top. Get online now, and find out how, when bass fishing, information sinks the hook.