Most people with a mental disorder do not want to admit that they have a problem. This is understandable, as there is a stigma that goes with mental health problems. However, what you should understand is that a mental condition is just like any other medical problem. Something is wrong in the body that needs fixed. Just as you would go in to the doctor if you had cancer or a broken bone, you should also go in for help if you fear that you have bipolar disorder symptoms. There are ways you can get your life under control once again and feel so much better.
Those with bipolar disorder symptoms often have no idea that they are bipolar, they just know something is wrong. They may not even realize something is amiss, but those in their life may. This is because they have lived with the symptoms for so long that they think they are feeling normal things. People with bipolar disorder will go back and forth between what are called manic and depressive cycles. These can last a few months each, or a few days each, depending on the person. Mania is a frantic, energized state while depression is the exact opposite.
The feeling that something is wrong often comes when someone with bipolar disorder symptoms feels as if their life is falling apart. They may be alienating people, making poor choices, and feeling as if they are unlike those that their friends and family. They are impulsive, excitable, and can be sexual promiscuous. When friends and family begin to question everything they do and they can not seem to make good choice on their own, people do begin to wonder what is going on and if part of it is their own fault. They may still not consider bipolar disorder, however.
Some telling bipolar disorder symptoms besides excessive sexual activity are also just as telling, though not everyone who seems oversexed is bipolar. Those with bipolar disorder will often have bursts of energy that last for days or even weeks, they may move from area to area quite often because they feel as if they are going to go crazy if they stay where they are, and they also have a tendency to be very bad with money. They can not control spending impulses and are often broke, even when they make good money.
Bipolar disorder symptoms also include bouts of depression that come in between the manic episodes. For some, these are not quite as pronounced as the manic phases, but they are there. For some, the depressed phase is when they feel the most centered and level, but they will feel someone sad and slow, as if they are walking through syrup. If you feel you have bipolar disorder symptoms, don't be afraid to see your doctor for further diagnosis. You may not have it, but if you do, you will feel so much better when you learn to manage your condition. Life will be easier and less stressful once you do.