It seems these days that people are more stressed out than ever before. Common reasons for this include long working hours, mounting bills and family problems, but the reality is that causes of stress are everywhere, and sometimes we are not even aware of them.
One of the biggest causes of stress is work. If you have a big project that is due or have put in a lot of overtime over a long period, it can be very stressful, but other things can stress you out in the work place as well. An annoying co-worker, for instance, can aggravate a stressful work environment and really create a volatile situation.
A guy that works at the office where I work has a tendency to talk practically non-stop about the most mundane topics. We can be on a serious deadline, and there he is talking about something he read online and not letting anybody else get a word in edge-wise.
Another co-worker asked him if he could just focus on his work one time, and after a heated argument, the two of them almost came to blows.
One of the causes of stress that is really unavoidable is the family. Family issues affect everybody, and while a sickness or financial problems are the most common sources of stress within a family, the everyday hustle and bustle of running errands, taking the kids to soccer practice and music lessons, coming in after a long day at work and having to fix dinner, and helping the kids with homework are all stressful situations, and that is when everything is going well.
When you throw in situations where somebody is down about something that happened to them at work or school or is having a problem in dealing with some issue in their life, it just adds to the general stress level of the family.
One of the biggest causes of stress that many of us probably don't even think about is the news. Like it or not, all of us have a vested interest in the goings on of the world, and when we have a bad economy, wars going on and serious environmental issues, that can be very stressful to most people. I know that there are times where I actually won't watch the news because I am tired of hearing about all of the bad things happening in the world.
Causes of stress abound these days, and I think the best way to deal with them is find a relaxing way to spend your downtime. Whether it is reading a book or gardening or working on cars, if you can find something that will take your mind off of problems of everyday life, it makes it much easier to cope with stress in general.