There are literally so may options these days when it comes to employment. Although many people gripe about all of the jobs going overseas, this is not exactly true. There are some job positions that cannot be sent overseas. Just think about all of the doctors, lawyers, nurses, legal secretaries, state jobs, insurance agents, and sales operators out there. The list actually goes on and on. If you take a moment to think about it, you can come up with oodles of employment positions that cannot be sent overseas. Anyway, one of these professions is massage therapy. Have you ever considered a continuing education massage therapy course?
The wonderful thing about becoming a massage therapist is that the training involved is brief. While some professionals spend years going to reputable universities to acquire respectable degrees, you can become a massage therapist within months. There are a number of institutes in the United States alone that can assist you with continuing education massage therapy classes. Now, just so you are aware, this is not like many other online degrees that do not require any class time. When it comes to continuing education massage therapy courses, you do need to attend classes in person. This is how you train and practice the techniques.
There are some helpful sites online that can aid you with continuing your education with a massage therapy certification. These sites are,, and If you review these websites, you can obtain a great deal more information concerning massage therapy schooling, and what it takes to become certified as a masseuse in this business. One of the primary appeals of this line of work is the minimal schooling required, because it not only allows people to begin their career faster, but it also allows you to avoid accumulating thousands of dollars in debt. This is utterly wonderful.
As far as income is concerned, much of this pertains to where you live and work. If you are employed with a reputable, high-end spa, then your pay may be high than if you were to work in a small town salon. Also, many massage professionals make a lot of money working solo or independently. Therefore this is an option once you finish continuing education massage therapy courses. Once you are certified, you can be self-employed, and choose to charge however much money you wish. Naturally it is best to build up a good cliental first, and then raise the prices as you become more experienced and desirable by clients. You must also keep in mind what your competitors are charging for their professional massage treatments. This can make a difference in how much work you get.