Global Warming: Coming to a Television Set Near You
Have you heard about global warming? If you watch television, you likely have. With that in mind, if you are currently unfamiliar with global warming, you will likely have multiple chances to familiarize yourself with it. This is because global warming is an issue that is seeing an increase in media time.
If you are interested in learning more about global warming through your television set, you will find that you have a number of different options. Of course, you can always sit down and watch the news. Many around the clock news channels mention global warming at least once a day. Even your local news is likely to touch on global warming in a newscast, especially the local affects of it.
In addition to traditional newscasts, many around the clock news stations are also starting to create their own specials. For example, CNN developed their own series on global warming, titled Planet in Peril. These types of special programs are often advertised during traditional newscasts. The good news with around the clock news stations is that many of these special programs are later repeated, many times later at night.
In addition to national news channels, there are many more stations who are starting to use their airwaves to help combat global warming. One of these stations is that of The Weather Channel. In addition to mentioning global warming in passing on traditional programming, The Weather Channel is also known for its specials, which may include specials on global warming. The line of Discovery Channels may also have global warming programs available as well.
Another one of the many ways that you can learn about global warming right from your couch is through movies, namely documentaries. There are a number of documentaries on global warming, the science behind it, and its affects. In fact, there are many more documentaries expected to come in the future. When it comes to global warming documentaries, you will find that you have a number of options. Many can be purchased locally or online, as well as rented.
In keeping with global warming documentaries, you will want to examine An Inconvenient Truth and 11th Hour. These two environmental documentaries are more well know for the people who stand behind them. When many think of global warming, Al Gore is often the first person that comes to mind. His An Inconvenient Truth documentary is not only backed with scientific proof and resources, but it also an award winning piece. As for 11th Hour, having Leonardo DiCaprio has a co-producer and co-writer also helps to bring much needed attention to this important issue.
As nice as is to know how you can go about using your television to learn more about global warming, you may be wondering why you should. Although global warming is an issue that is widely debated, many believe what they hear. If you are one of those individuals you will want to educate yourself on the subject as much as possible. After all, knowledge is the best way to fight a problem, such as global warming.
As outlined above, you have a number of different options when looking to use the television as a way to learn more about global warming. With most news reports, television specials, and documentaries lasting less than two hours, you have nothing to lose by taking to the time familiarize yourself with global warming.
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