
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Solutions To Deforestation: Are There Really Any?

Perhaps one of the greatest tragedies and threats of all time is deforestation. Since our rainforests provide us with various living means, any form of peril to it should never be disregarded. Thus, focusing on the issues and planning more for solutions to deforestation is definitely a must.

Like all other problems, solutions come in a wide array of choices. However, you get to pick one first at a time and see if it's capable to yield good answers or not. In deforestation, it is admittedly quite difficult to find solutions to the dilemma mainly because of the huge scope that it encompasses. Remember, this act and its effects are directed not only at a specific area. All other parts of the world have gone through such act and all else have experienced how nature got back at them.

The Traditional Solution

The conventional solution aims to target and fix poverty which they consider to be the cause of deforestation. The government, together with various organizations, sees development as the main key to cure. Ironically speaking though, industrialization and further city developments are also one of the causes of deforestation. This happened to be the reason why the government has been buffeted by issues with regards to the solutions that they tried to provide. Nevertheless, here are the proposed (and mostly unrealistic) solutions the government has to offer:

Tropical Forest Action Plan (TFAP) is one of the anticipated problem solutions by the government. It operates through strategically implementing to the people the value of our forests. This plan has failed many times for obvious reasons. In fact, the government (as they say) should have created a much clever plan to truly eradicate the problem. Bringing up nonrealistic items over the table is just considered to be a waste of time.

Sustained Yield Forestry is one of the projected ways to minimize the output of timber in its yearly harvest. Issues have hovered around corrupt officials who permit excess timber counts in exchange for money. This solution therefore needs honest and responsible professional men to lead along the way to change. The question is, when and where will you see dignified men these days especially with the color of money around?

Reserve Strategies are also one of the seemingly impossible ways of treating the problem. Hording of resources and keeping them for future use is quite an impractical thing to do. It needs more practice, and thus should be disregarded in cases where abrupt changes could be made. Remember, the deforestation process is widely accelerating in number now, and plans which are time bounded should be followed.

Lastly, International Biodiversity Program is also one of the seen probabilities by the government to finish the problem of deforestation. However, it works almost the same as TFAP which is also proven to be non-beneficial. Traditional based planned strategies are all government solutions to deforestation. It is up to your own criticism now as to which will be judged the best.

The Realistic Solutions To Deforestation

The question on how to confront the problem is a bit daunting. It rather involves challenges not only among the normal people; but it also involves those who make the biggest decisions in our world. The evaluation of the solutions is directed towards the response of the people and of the other surrounding parties.

The realistic solutions to deforestation includes: timber labeling, addressing the problems of landlessness, recognizing the rights of indigenous people, and inequality and debt. Although these may be the most realistic ways to halt deforestation acts, it needs the cooperation of everyone else.

After all, a big plan cannot work if there is no full force addressed to it.