
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Npma-33 Termite Inspection Form

The National Pest Management Association is the association that licensed and professional termite inspectors belong to, and they will provide to each pest control agent the NPMA-33 Termite Inspection Form that must be completed at the end of each termite inspection that they do. Completion of the form will give both the NPMA information about the inspection and it will allow the homeowner as well as the termite inspector have a record of the inspection as it was done and what was found during the inspection. The Npma-33 Termite Inspection Form can be found in a variety of places including certain pest control software that many termite inspectors use to keep track of their business.

The Npma-33 Termite Inspection Form is most often used during real estate transactions to provide evidence either of a termite infestation or evidence that the home is clean. It can be request by the buyer, the seller, or the real estate agent. The Npma-33 Termite Inspection Form is easy to use and easy to understand, but here are some of the finer points you should know about.

The first section of the Npma-33 termite inspection form gives general information about the location of the property being inspected and the specific areas being inspected. The name of the inspection company, address, and phone number will also be displayed as well as their business license number. The license number is the number given to the inspection company by the state they are registered in that gives them the permission to conduct pest control services according to your states guidelines.

After this section of the NPMA-33 termite inspection form, there should be some general information about the property being inspected including the address, the sellers name, the buyers name, and the date of the inspection. Included in this section of the NPMA-33 termite inspection form is the name of the inspector, his or her signature, license number, and credentials as issued by the state the inspection is taking place in.

Finally, we get to the meat of the NPMA-33 termite inspection form. This is where the findings are listed specifically. This section can include diagrams and actually, it should. These diagrams will show any infestations and any potential problem areas that should be concentrated on. This part of the NPMA-33 termite inspection form should also list what types of pests are or could be a problem and any suggestions as to how to eradicate any existing or possible problems.

The NPMA-33 termite inspection form should be completed in its entirety and presented to any interested parties upon completion of the inspection. The NPMA-33 termite inspection form should be completely filled out and have no spaces left blank. After that, preventative treatment can commence or repair work can begin.