
Monday, March 16, 2015

Air Conditioner Comparison

For home owners or businesses looking to acquire a suitable air conditioner, air conditioner comparison is the most important task to undertake in order to make an informed decision. Undertaking the comparisons can however be agonizing since there are a lot of technical details to consider. There are however a few details to look out for which can go a long way in assisting you to find the perfect air conditioner.

Begin by performing air conditioner comparison on the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER), for a residential air conditioner, or energy efficiency ratio (EER) for a commercial air conditioner. The higher SEER or EER value, the better the AC. The next consideration on air conditioning comparison is the Energy Star. This is a program supported by the U.S government that helps individuals and businesses protect the environment through energy efficiency. Go for a product which has the Energy Star. This means the air conditioner will save you the extra costs when next months energy bills come through.

When performing air conditioner comparison, also make sure you look at the size of the gadget. Larger air conditioners consume more power, so it is advisable that one considers an air conditioner that is suitable for you home or business. Considering the size of the rooms, size of windows and wall insulation can help one determine the kind of air conditioner that will serve them well and help you save on extra costs.

Air conditioner comparison also requires one to consider the refrigerant used. Air conditioners that use puron are recommended here. Puron is environmentally friendly and does not deplete the ozone layer. It is approved by US Environmental Protection Agency and is set to replace Freon, as federal law requires all manufacturers phase out ozone depleting refrigerants in the next few years.

One should also consider the noise levels of the air conditioner during use. You dont want the air conditioner noise to be too high otherwise you wont hear your neighbors rowdy son driving off in your brand new car! Noise intensity is measured in decibels (dB). Go for an air conditioner with 66 to 70 dB. Alternatively, some air conditioners incorporate noise reducing technology like Silencer System or QuieTech.

Durability is also important. Some air conditioners are built to last through tough weather conditions like winter. Others have technology that informs you of worn out or damaged parts. They may advice you to replace a given part and if you dont, they automatically switch off to avoid further damage. Normal performance is restored when a damaged part is replaced.

So next time you are out shopping for an air conditioner, dump the sales guy, now you know more than he knows you know!