You dont have to be an actor or a singer to want to have a talent agency. There are many other things that might not be quite as glamorous as those careers, but they can still pay the bills and even a little bit more. When you have any type of freelance talent that you dont think you can manage on your own, you want to have someone to find work for you, and to also negotiate what you would get from each of those jobs. Writers and photographers dont need them, but most other types of talent do.
You may not live in an area like Los Angeles that has a large market for commercial actors and actresses, but there are those in your local community that make these for your local stations. It might not be something that pays a lot very often, but it can be good work for the right people. If you go with a talent agency, they can get you this type of work when the right part comes up. You may have to search around for the talent agency near you, but if you have needs like that where you live, you can be sure there is one nearby.
There are always needs for voice-over people. These are voices that work well over the mediums of both television and radio. They are used for things like advertisements and some documentary type of productions. A talent agency will handle those with voice talents, and those might be the ones that get the most work in any given area. If you think you may have a voice for such an endeavor, you can always find a talent agency and then see what they have to say. You may not, but you dont know until you try.
One thing that a talent agency cant give you, or course, is talent. When you go in for something, you have to realize that even in a smaller market, there are many who want the same spots that you seek. If you arent good at what you seek, you may not get a shot at all. That doesnt mean you should give up, but you may have to find many different places to go before you find the talent agency that will work with you. Dont take it too personally when they say no, as it is always purely a business decision. They know what people are looking for, and they will know if you have it or not almost instantly.