
Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Few Good Tips to Lose Weight

I am proud to say that I have lost 40 pounds over the last few months, and I am feeling much healthier and have a whole lot more energy. I am always asked for good tips to lose weight, and because I am someone who very much believes in paying it forward, I am always willing to give advice.

The first tip that I can give is to eat smaller portions at each meal, and increase the amount of meals you eat from three to four or five. It may sound strange to eat more meals in a day when you are trying to lose weight, but if they are smaller meals, it will rev up your metabolism and make it easier to take off the pounds. Of all of the tips to lose weight I can give, that is the most important.

The second tip that I will always recommend is to try to find about three or four different physical activities that you enjoy and exercise for 30 minutes to an hour each day. It is important to understand that you don't want to do all of them in the same day, but give yourself a couple to choose from so you don't get bored and lose interest.

One of the best tips to lose weight that I have ever received was to replace all of the junk food in your pantry and refrigerator with healthier options. That may seem pretty basic, but you'll be amazed how often you go after your favorite unhealthy snack in a week if you start keeping track. You will be even more amazed at how quickly you develop a taste for the healthier foods as well.

Another tip that I still do not really understand, but it does seem to work, is to drink low or non-fat milk on daily basis. There seems to be a link between calcium consumption and weight loss, so yogurt would be a good option on that front, as well.

Among the more important tips to lose weight that I have found is to make sure you incorporate weight training into your exercise regimen. The reason for this is that as you lose weight, you tend to lose muscle as well, so if you keep up the weight training, that is not an issue. Plus, the more muscle you have, the more efficiently you burn calories.

I have never been big on diet plans or surgical procedures to lose weight. I have found that the tips to lose weight that I recommend to others have worked for me, and are also the ones that doctors advise. It is not necessary to do all of these the first day, but if you take these steps, I can almost guarantee you will have success with your weight loss goals.