
Thursday, April 9, 2015

A reality check on abstinence from sex controversy

When you hear the phase, 'abstinence from sex', what situations come immediately to mind? Usually, we think of one of three situations: that of the priest, vowed to celibacy, teens who want to take advantage of those raging hormones and experience sex, and persons who have contracted a disease through having sex and ethically, shouldn't pass it along. The priest is a grown man and, as such, is honor bound to keep his vow of celibacy. Adults not of the priesthood many, through promiscuity, or even just through bad luck, contract one or more serious diseases, such as AIDS, or any number of STDs, including herpes. This article is written with teens in mind. We hope to provide you with some good reasons to practice abstinence from sex, which surpasses Mrs Reagan's 'just say no' approach. While we must assume her heart was in the right place, the strategy was fairly ineffectual, garnering more snickers than adherents among the target group.

Teens are still developing, physically and emotionally, going through stages at sometimes lightning speed. Good judgment and balanced reasoning are not your strong points. Nonetheless, there at the back of your mind sits your parents' and teachers' recommendations of practicing abstinence from sex, at least until you've dated a number and variety of personalities and have achieved adulthood. Is this bad advice? In your heart of hearts, the answer is probably no. In a practical moment, such as when you're folding laundry or feeding the cat, consider whether one night's hot date is worth living with AIDS forever. Not. Herpes is another lifelong condition you don't want, unpleasant, painful and certainly putting a permanent cramp in your future adult sex life. Did you know that herpes can be passed on to your babies?

This brings us to another reason why abstinence from sex may be a smart move for you now. Even if you do not contract a serious, life-threatening disease, what about an unwanted pregnancy? Once you become pregnant, you must face the choice of starting a family, perhaps as a single Mom, or going through the traumatic process of abortion. If you opt for having the child, your dreams of education and a better future go by the wayside. You're forced to grow up far more quickly than is good for you and your child. Both boys and girls feel the impact of just a moment's pleasure, for the rest of their lives.

Have we convinced you of the merits of abstinence from sex? These points are worth a second look, despite what the famous Mrs. Reagan had to say on the subject. Drugs and sex do seem to go hand-in-hand. Give yourself a chance to get some smarts on both subjects before flying off on an emotional tangent that will color your life for decades, or perhaps even end it.