
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Arm Yourself with Wrinkle Prevention Tactics

Nothing screams age like crows feet, laugh lines and other unsightly wrinkles. So undesirable are these fine lines that entire industries have emerged dedicated to their elimination. However, many of these solutions come with a hefty price tag. Thus, it is no surprise that the best way to deal with wrinkles is to prevent them from popping up to begin with. Wrinkle prevention is not a sure fire solution, but it is certainly preferable to your other options.

The first commandment of wrinkle prevention is to moisturize. If your skin is dehydrated, it becomes less elastic, and more likely to crease. A daily moisturizer helps to make that less likely. Wash your face in the morning with warm water, and put the moisturizer on directly afterwards. This way, your skin will absorb the moisture entirely, instead of it just sitting on top of your skin. Make your moisturizer do double duty, too! Buy one with a minimum SPF of 15 to help protect your skin from sun damage and subsequent wrinkles.

Second, lead a life that is free of wrinkle producing habits. Quit smoking! Smoking restricts blood flow to the skin, which results in a depletion of nutrients, ultimately causing a pallor and wrinkles to occur. Drink lots of water to aid in wrinkle prevention. The more hydrated your body is, the more hydrated your skin is, and the less likely you are to get wrinkles. Make sure you have a balanced diet. Diets rich in vitamins A, C, E and K are known to improve the radiance, elasticity and overall health of your skin, downplaying the natural wrinkles that occur with age and helping to prevent the development of other wrinkles.

Finally, try to control your facial expressions. Repeated creation and release of tension in your facial muscles can dig deep grooves into your skin. Try to keep your face relaxed at all times to help wrinkle prevention. A lot of stress can make this worse. If you find yourself stressed out on a regular basis, you may notice yourself furrowing your brow or frowning frequently, which will lead to wrinkle development. On some levels, it is impossible to prevent wrinkles from occurring. If you're going to develop wrinkles, at least let it be from smiling too frequently, as that is less likely to make you look older.

Wrinkle prevention is not easy. It requires diligence and effort for these tactics to be effective. However, if you can follow the guidelines, you'll be able to minimize the amount of wrinkles you do develop. Aging can be stressful. Why make it worse with extra fine lines?