
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Unfortunately so many people try smoking at some point or another in their lives. Although it is often thought to be cool at a glance, it is certainly not good for your health. Therefore if you currently smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, you should realize that there are many benefits of quitting smoking. The key is to stop for a moment and take a look at yourself in the mirror. Do you really want to smoke for the rest of your life? Maybe you are just unclear on the countless dangers of smoking. So let's go over the many reasons not to smoke.

First of all, you must consider the your lungs. This is one of the more obvious benefits of quitting smoking. When you puff on cigarettes, cigars or a pipe day-in and day-out, this has a horrible affect on your lungs. Just one measly cigarette can take up to a full month to get out of your lungs. What many smokers fail to realize is that your lungs actually have to heal after you smoke a cigarette or cigar. Yes indeed, they are damaged. So one of the major benefits of quitting smoking is healing your lungs and making them strong again. Tar and toxins build up in your lungs if you smoke. This in turn causes them to deteriorate over time, and can lead to lung cancer.

There are other benefits of quitting smoking. However, many people fail to look at these. One is the damage smoking causes to your heart and colon. It's not just about your lungs. Heart disease and countless cancers are much more likely to occur if you smoke. So if you want to stop seeing a physician so regularly due to health issues, try kicking your smoking habit once and for all. Once you stop smoking you will not only feel a lot better, but you will also have a lot more energy. If you are like most people, you certainly want more energy to deal with daily work and running around. Smoking actually draws the energy out of you, making things more difficult.

Your appearance improving is certainly one of the benefits of quitting smoking. Think about all of that tar on your teeth. Did you know that smoking causes damage to your teeth enamel? Over time you can end up having to do a lot more dental work, which is never good. But do not forget about the "smoker's face." This is a common term used now days for people who smoke regularly. The elastin and collagen in the skin breaks down more quickly and causes severe aging to occur. No one wants this. Especially not with the emphasis placed on youth these days. So, one of the greatest benefits of quitting smoking is maintaining a younger and healthier glow. Finally, you don't have to smell like smoke all the time, and you can believe that you will save oodles of money by quitting.