
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Free Cutest Baby Contest

Your baby is cute and you know it. To be fair, all babies are cute, but if you feel that your baby has a special look, you may want to see them on the cover of a magazine or perhaps you want to see if they can make some money for their college fund with some TV or print ad work at a very young age. There are many contests out there, but if you are looking for a free cutest baby contest, you have to check over each and every contest you find very carefully. Many have hidden fees and are not what they seem. There are legitimate contests out there too.

You may find many listings for a free cutest baby contest, but some of the most prevalent on the Internet are not really free, and may not be the type of contest that you envision. Some have an entry fee that you do not see until you are ready to upload a picture. If you are asked for money, it is not really a free cutest baby contest. See what the fee is for and what you get for it. You may think it is okay to pay, and that is up to you. However, it is strongly recommended you research the company first.

If you enter a free cutest baby contest and you are suddenly getting a lot of unwanted emails and offers, you probably agreed to it when you signed up without realizing what you were doing. This does not bode well for the validity of the contest in which you just entered. You may also find that these contests are nothing more than a popularity contest, as they want you to give up the email addresses of everyone you know so they can vote for your baby. They too will get unsolicited spam emails.

Some free cutest baby contest entries are for real prizes. These are usually through baby magazines and other sources of which you are already familiar. These are the ones that will not charge you cent to enter and you are not required to ask your friends and family to vote for your baby. You can find these online or in the pages of the magazine in question. For the most part, you will upload or mail in a few photos and answer some basic questions about you, your family, and your baby. These questions should be pretty straight forward.

Remember that you do not have to win a free cutest baby contest to know your baby is cute. He or she is your baby and that makes them the most special baby in the world to you. Enter these types of contests with your eyes wide open and remember that there are thousands of entries and if you do not get anywhere, it does not mean your baby is anything other than the cutie that you know he or she to be. Do it for fun, not for validation. All babies are cute in their own way, so winning is often a matter of luck anyway.