
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Free Personality Tests Are Designed to Make You Feel Good

Free Personality Tests Are Designed to Make You Feel Good

One of the things I enjoy doing from time to time is going online and taking the free personality tests that are offered by a number of sites. I am always amazed at how the personality traits you possess are always the most positive and appealing to other people.

When I first saw an ad for free personality tests, I thought it would be a good way for me to find out what my strengths were as a person, as well as some of the things that I need to work on. I figured that the test would provide both perspectives and help me to become a more well-adjusted person.

The test itself was about 40 questions, and they all asked me to rate how I felt about something with answers going from strongly agree to strongly disagree and pretty much everything in between. It took me about 20 minutes to complete, and then I clicked submit and almost immediately had a response.

I read through the personality traits it said that I possessed, and I really felt great, because everything was either positive, or worded in a way where things that could be perceived in a negative way had the best possible spin imaginable.

I am sure that this was not indicative of all free personality tests, but at least according to this one, I seemed to have absolutely no character flaws whatsoever. As my wife will be the first to attest, that is certainly not the case, so I decided to try a few others.

With most of the free personality tests that I tried, I found that negativity was nowhere to be found. There were things that I knew I need to work on, and when the tests described my personality in those regards, it was so tactful that I did not feel that bad about myself.

I started to think that maybe that was the point of the tests, to make people feel good about who they were and not dwell on their shortcomings. As I thought more about it, I started to realize that it was a probably a good thing that these tests are so positive.

After all, I would not want to read that I was too sarcastic, or laughed at things that are completely inappropriate, or need to get more in touch with my emotions. I hate hearing that kind of stuff, and trying to work on those things makes me uncomfortable.

I do know a lot of people, as I am sure we all do, that have the most nasty personality imaginable. I would love to see the results of their free personality tests. Then again, with the fact that those tests are so positive and uplifting, maybe that would be the best thing for them.