
Friday, April 24, 2015

The Many Uses of a Wireless PC Headset

I've never really used my computer for much beyond a few basic activities like surfing the internet or completing some word processing tasks -- but perhaps that's because my machine wasn't exactly a cutting-edge piece of technology. Until just a few weeks ago, I'd been using a 10-year-old fossil with very limited memory and processor speeds, so I wasn't able to do much else anyway.

Now that I have a new computer, however, things have changed. This new unit came with a bunch of hardware accessories, including a wireless PC headset. At first, I just tossed the thing into a drawer because I didn't think I had any need for it, but after downloading a few programs, I found out that my wireless PC headset is actually a very convenient piece of equipment and I now use it on a daily basis.

One of the main ways I use my wireless PC headset is for chatting with friends and family via Skype. My old computer couldn't handle this VOIP application, but now I'm finally able to get in on the free video calls that everyone raves about. It's so much more fun to chat via Skype than via IM that I can't believe I'm this late to the party! Seriously, I now spend at least an hour or two per day conversing with my contacts, and I'm having a blast!

Another way I'm getting a ton of use from my wireless PC headset is during online gaming sessions. Once again, my last computer was not capable of playing the latest graphics-heavy video games, but my current one can handle the load without any problems at all. So now I'm able to enjoy World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy, Star Wars, and a bunch of other multiplayer games with people from all over the globe. I was never much of a gamer before, but I find that this is a great way to relax and even meet some new friends. Again, it's about time I got in on the fun!

And finally, I'm using my wireless PC headset to increase my productivity. I work in sales and am able to telecommute since most of my duties involve talking to clients over the phone. Now that I have a wireless PC headset and Skype, I can enjoy hands-free communication while I work. This allows me the freedom to move around, take notes, or bring up relevant files without disrupting the flow of the call or putting my caller on hold. I'm getting a lot more done in a shorter period of time, which of course makes my boss happy too.

My new computer and wireless pc headset have both significantly improved the way I work and play, to the point where I can hardly remember what I did online before getting this machine. You better believe I won't ever allow myself to slip behind the technological times again!