
Friday, April 24, 2015

Weight Loss Options that Make Sense

Most people know what to do to lose weight but they procrastinate in starting their diet or fitness program. If you watch enough Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz or any one of the other millions of TV doctors touting diet and wellness programs, you will know by now that you need lots of fiber, regular exercise, salmon (for the Omegas) and smaller portions. The trick to weight loss is not to try every different diet or program that comes along but to start right away with weight loss options that make sense, common sense. But you know what they say about common sense? It is not all that common.

The first weight loss options trick that we will suggest here is that you put away the scale. Do you really need to weigh yourself before you start? Most of us know within one or two pounds how much we weigh, but if you insist then weigh yourself once before you begin the weight loss options plan and then hide the scale for two weeks. After two weeks you will pull it out again and weigh yourself once, then put it away again for another two weeks. If you can stand this it will help you. One of the big reasons people go off of their programs is because they dont see immediate results. In todays instant gratification world we get angry if we dont lose five pounds each time we hit the treadmill. Waiting two weeks will guarantee results if you have the patience to hold off.

Another weight loss options trick is to do the 3 Day Rule and that is, you need to do everything for three days at a time and there are several solid reasons for doing this. What I mean by the three day rule is, no matter what diet or fitness program you are on, when you first start you need to stick to it for 3 solid days. The fourth day you need to go off it even if you want to stay on it, then go back to the program for three more days, then one day off, and so on. What this does is give you something to look forward to on the fourth day and it also tricks the body. When you diet you really dont see the results until three to five days later. The way our metabolism works it takes that long to break down fat and build up lean muscle. That is why you cant weigh yourself after every workout and why you should change up after three days.

Weight loss options that work can also make you very hungry so you need to have six mini meals throughout the day instead of three large ones. Portion control is important but the only way to keep from starving and going off the program is to eat continuously throughout the day. Carry Zone Bars or an apple with you at all times so that you can munch on something between small meals. Experts say that no portion of food should exceed the size of your closed fist.

Another one of the most popular weight loss options is to avoid three main weight gaining foods: sugar, oil, and butter. If you can go three days straight without putting any butter on your bread (switch to flatbread or pita bread) or frying up any foods you will definitely lose weight in the long run. If not putting sugar in your coffee makes it impossible to drink the java, then switch to tea with honey. Every little thing makes a difference when you are committed to losing weight.