
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Woodworking Workshops for Amateur Carpenters

If you are as fascinated with wood and woodworking as many people around the country are right now, you will be pleased to note that many new, exciting and affordable woodworking workshops are springing up in many communities. Imagine the satisfaction you will get from showing your beautiful new piece of furniture to your guests when they come over and the added bonus of being able to tell them truthfully that you created it yourself from scratch. Your friends will not believe you when you show them the craftsmanship and high quality artisan work that you are now capable of. They will be green with envy when your home is full of gorgeous pieces of high-quality furniture, and all because you invested some time, money and energy into learning this great American craft from woodworking workshops in your vicinity.

In order to find great woodworking workshops you will not have to go far in most cases. You can go to your nearest Home Depot or Ace Hardware store and find postings put up there, or just ask any of the employees in the lumber department or tool department. Most of these guys know where to go for local woodworking workshops. You can also just do a simple google online search and put in Woodworking Workshop then your local zip code or city name. You will find many great classes that you can attend in your area.

If you want to make antique looking furniture you can definitely find some great woodworking workshops that will teach you how to create beautiful solid wood furniture that looks like it has been around a long, long time. You may have to travel some in order to learn some specialty types of woodworking. One of the best schedule of woodworking workshops is held by Conover in Ohio. Their website is and you can also buy some DVDs and books from them on different subjects. In the beautiful Appalachian Trail, in the mountains of North Carolina you will find Country Workshops. You can go to and sign up for one of their Green woodworking workshops and classes.

In quaint Canterbury, New Hampshire you will find the McLaughlin Woods School of Woodworking. This beautiful location is the site of some great woodworking workshops. Go to to see what they have to offer. You can learn how to make some fine furniture chairs at Lenox Workshops which is located near Cleveland, Ohio in a rustic country setting. Go to their website at to see their curriculum and sign up for any classes. Joe Graham is the master furniture maker there and he has designed week long classes for beginners and intermediate carpenters alike.

For more basic instruction you may want to check out the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship which is located in Rockport, Maine. Their website is and their woodworking workshops cover all the basics and then some.

There are lots more schools and woodworking workshops here in the U.S. as well as abroad. You could conceivably plan a whole vacation around one of these woodworking workshops and have a great time while you learn a great craft.