
Friday, April 24, 2015

Writing Good Want Ads

Selling your old belongings whether they be small or large can be hard if you do not know how to get out to the right people. You may even have a service that you want to offer up to those who may be interested, but you don't have the money for television, radio, or even billboard advertisements. If you know a little bit about writing good want ads, you can find the right buyer in a short time, or perhaps you can bring in a few good customers to get your business humming. Say the right things, leave out unnecessary details, and see what happens.

Want ads are usually very inexpensive to run for a week or two. If you do not sell your item or items in that time, you can always run the ad again. These are usually great if you are selling a car, renting out an apartment, or have a small, home-based business and need customers. You can also use want ads to sell appliances, lots of used clothing, and other things around the house that others may buy used. Some people even use these ads to find Mr. or Mrs Right or Mr. or Mrs. Right Now.

Whatever it is that you want to sell or advertise, there are some things you should keep in mind when you write your want ads. First, think about where you are going to put them. If the item is big, you may not want to put it anywhere other than in your local paper. Someone may be interested in your washing machine, but they are not going to want to drive 200 miles to get it, or even worse, pay huge shipping fees to have it sent to them. Think about your local papers and also any online venues for placing want ads that may work for you and the item you are selling.

Next, think about how to word your ad. You want to make sure you keep it short and sweet, but you can not leave out anything important. Describe the item as accurately as you can, and make sure you mention any major flaws that could be essential. If you are selling a car through want ads, for example, you may want to mention if it is for parts only and does not run, or perhaps if you are only selling the engine without a body. However, use the want ads to play up the positives (and true) aspects of what you are selling.

Leave good contact information in your want ads. This is a huge problem for some people. Leave an email address and a phone number if you wish, but make sure you are leaving it correctly, and also make sure you are willing to make a number or address public. This may not be a problem in the local paper, but you may not want to put your cellular number online if you choose to put your want ads there. Check and double check to be sure the contact information is correct, and also check of spelling errors.