You spent an entire weekend organizing your closet and a couple of weeks later it is still organized and you love it. But, you go to the store and purchase some new clothes or a new pair of shoes and you dont know where you are going to put them in your already full (but organized) closet. Here are some strategies you can use to keep your closet organized even when adding new items.
One way to solve this dilemma is to decide if what you purchased is a duplicate of something you have or a decent replacement. We all have favorite items of clothing that we wear often and these are the ones that need to be replaced first. If your purchase is a new pair of black pants, are your old ones faded? Instead of having two pairs (and admit it, you wont be wearing the old black pair now that you have the new ones), you should donate the old or throw them out. If your wardrobe is pretty complete in terms of basics, this replacement system will work quite well.
If you are stilling building your dream wardrobe and your purchases are adding to this instead of replacing old or worn items you need a different strategy for finding a home for your new items. If you dont have any extra hangers, you may have to go and buy some for future wardrobe growth. If you havent done so already, you may have to consider adding shelving or drawers in your closet to accommodate everything. Instead of hanging all of your shirts, you can fold them on shelves and this will give you more room to hang pants, skirts, or dresses. Once you make a few adjustments, be sure to leave some empty spaces for the next time you go shopping.