
Sunday, August 23, 2015


Depression is a condition that affects the brain and many people in the world have it today. When brain chemicals become imbalanced, depression results and this is a potentially dangerous condition that should be taken seriously. Some of the common symptoms of depression include feelings of sadness, change in weight, oversleeping, loss of energy, thoughts of suicide, feelings of worthless ness, loss of interest in pleasurable activities and irritability.

Depression has many faces and this means that its causes are diverse. For instance, people with this condition may have a family history whereby genetics passed from one family member to another through the generations cause this condition. Trauma and stress are the other possible causes of depression. Such things include painful break-ups from close relationships, joblessness, financial problems, death of loved ones, marriage, or even giving birth. Pessimistic personality is another cause of depression and this mainly occurs in people with a low self esteem.

People with a negative attitude towards life also have a high chance of succumbing to depression. Physical conditions which include medical conditions such as cancer, heart diseases and HIV can lead to this condition. This makes these situations worse and they will also suffer a low immunity. Some medications offered by physicians may also trigger this condition. Psychological disorders are also among the causes for this condition and they include schizophrenia, eating disorders and substance abuse. Depression is a treatable condition and people need to accept the fact that they are and then embark on a treatment program.

Healing from depression is a process that affects the family members, colleagues and schoolmates and making a decision to seek treatment is the one of the best things that a person would ever do. Some of the medications used to treat depression include antidepressants and therapy which includes counseling by a professional. In order to get the best treatment, a person must consult a doctor who will diagnose depression. This helps the doctor embark on the right treatment since there are different types of treatments that require different treatment methods.

Depression affects people of all ages including children, adolescents and elderly patients. Available treatments include psycotherapy, drug therapy and electroconvulsive therapy. Medications always make up the first remedy for this condition that most doctors offer. These drugs include tricyclic drugs such as amitriptyline. Another medication used is the Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors and the Selective Serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Antidepressants such as bupropion, trazodone and maprotiline are used. Other drugs such as anticonvulsants, anti-anxiety medications and antipsychotic medications are also used to treat this condition.

Depression therapies such as ETC, psychotherapy and light therapy are also used. Herbal treatments have also found their way into depression treatments and they are more preferred due to their few side effects. These include ginkgo biloba, hyperforin, St. John wort and the 5HTP. Natural treatments such as exercise are also recommended in fighting the effects of this condition. Meditation and clarocet NRI may also be adopted as natural cures for depression. Other alternative treatments include aromatherapy, diet factors and vitamins. These help the body in regaining its harmony through a change in lifestyle.