
Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Food Pyramid Diagram is Still the Best Way to

A Food Pyramid Diagram is Still the Best Way to Get Proper Nutrition

I went to my doctor recently for my annual check-up, and everything was fine. He told me that what impressed him the most was that I was not lacking in any vitamins or nutrients, because he knew that I do not take any kind of multivitamin at all. He asked me what my secret was, and I told him that there was no secret, and that I simply followed a food pyramid diagram to the letter.

My first encounter with a food pyramid diagram came when I was about eight years old. I was sitting in my third-grade health class, and our teacher pulled out the diagram and taped it to the chalkboard and began to explain what it meant.

She told us that the bulk of our calories each day should come from the breads and grains group, which was six to 11 servings every day. She told was what sorts of things constituted breads and grains, and said this was where most of our energy came from.

Then she moved up the diagram to show us the fruits and vegetable groups and encouraged us to try to eat at least six to eight servings combined per day of fruits and vegetables, saying that the calories from this group were negligible, but the nutritional value was extremely high.

She then pointed out the meats group and the dairy group on the food pyramid diagram, and explained to us that while those groups of foods were certainly important for us, we did not want to eat those in too large a quantity, because they could be very fattening and make us gain weight.

At the very top of the diagram was the oils, fats and sweets group, which she told us we really wanted to limit each day, because if they were not eaten in moderation, they could cause us numerous health problems in the future.

Being the diligent student that I was at the time, I asked where I could get a copy of the food pyramid diagram, and she was kind enough to give me one. I took it home and memorized it and started making sure that I was getting exactly what I was supposed to get each day.

Whether it is subconscious or not, that trend has continued throughout my entire life. I have always made sure that I am getting a balanced diet with each of the food groups represented in their proper proportion. Even when the latest news revealed that eating more or less of a certain kind of food was better for you, I would still follow my own plan.

The food pyramid diagram has always been the best way for me to determine what I need in terms of nutrition, and I will always use it as a guide for that purpose.