
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Foods With Vitamin D Are More Important Than Ever

Studies in recent years have shown the importance of vitamin D to calcium absorption and strong bones, so now more than ever, it is very important to be familiar with and to eat plenty of foods with vitamin D in them.

When we were children, we would spend hours outside and get most of the vitamin D we needed from the sun. That has all changed now that we know exposure to ultraviolet rays for extended periods can cause all kinds of skin problems, including cancer.

One of the foods with vitamin D that is the most abundant and easy to find is fish. It can really be any kind of fish, as well, from catfish to cod to herring to salmon, and they are all great sources of vitamin D that can be found at pretty much any major supermarket.

Along those lines, such things as mollusks and oysters are also foods with vitamin D that, although not as easy to find, can typically be found at most seafood restaurants, and they provide an excellent source of the vitamin.

One of the things that most people tell me when I mention these various types of fish and seafood is that they do not like fish. That is perfectly all right as well, because I know that not everybody is a fish person, and some people are actually allergic.

What I recommend in that case is soy milk, which is loaded with vitamin D and actually tastes pretty good, too. If soy milk is too much, just drink regular milk, which is also a good source of the vitamin and is also readily available.

Another beverage that is a good source of vitamin D is orange juice. Besides tasking great and providing a good source of vitamin D, it also provides a large proportion of your daily requirement for vitamin C and is loaded with other vitamins and nutrients.

Getting back to foods with vitamin D, oatmeal is typically a great source of the vitamin and is a great meal to have for breakfast. Oatmeal is usually a great source of fiber, and is one of those breakfasts that sticks with you throughout the day and is not a significant source of sugar or high in calories. Another big plus for oatmeal is that it is not an expensive breakfast option.

There are plenty of good tasting foods with vitamin D that are readily accessible at your local grocery store. As nutritionists continue to uncover the the importance of the vitamin and the role it plays in maintaining proper health, we should all look to include those types of foods in our daily diet when possible.