
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I Have a Whole New Respect for Firefighters After Using

I Have a Whole New Respect for Firefighters After Using Fire Fighting Equipment

As a newspaper reporter, I was assigned a story a few years back about a youth fire camp where kids could go and see how the firefighters trained and do some training exercises themselves, just like the firefighters.

I knew the guys at that particular fire department pretty well, because I had written a number of stories on them, and the fire chief invited me to come and try some of the exercises wearing bunker gear and using some of the fire fighting equipment. After having that opportunity, I can honestly say that I have a whole new respect for what firefighters have to do.

The fire chief started the day by discussing the fire fighting equipment and how it is used. He talked about some of the structural fires they had put out recently and how different pieces of equipment were used throughout the process. He discussed the important of fire hydrants, and told the kids that they should never be blocked or obstructed under any circumstances.

He then allowed the kids to tour the fire engine, both inside and out, and explained to them about all the various gadgets on the truck and how they are used. The kids were mesmerized, and quite frankly, I was, too. I had written my stories about the department itself, but had never learned so much about the use of fire fighting equipment.

The kids all got to do some of the training that the firefighters did on a weekly basis and were really just having a ball. Then, by some cruel twist of fate, the chief decided to invite me up to try on some of the bunker gear and to do a few of the training exercises.

Now, I'm a pretty big and strong guy. I was a wrestler in high school and thought that it really wouldn't be a problem for me. Then I put the bunker gear on and wondered what I had gotten myself into. It was heavy and hot, and I felt exhausted just standing there.

Then he started introducing me to some of the fire fighting equipment, and allowed me to hold onto the fire hose as it was being sprayed at about three quarters of its capacity. It felt like I was trying hold a wild bull in place, and some unfortunate spectators got a little bit wet, I am sorry to say.

After the whole ordeal was over, I told him that I would stick to writing about the fire department and he could keep fighting fires. He thought that was a very good idea.

It was a bit humbling for me to experience that situation, and sometimes I wish that I had been in a little bit better shape when I went to cover that story, but one thing is definitely for certain I have a lot more respect for firefighters after using their fire fighting equipment.