
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Your First Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a lot like going on a vacation for the first time. You have planned for it, always knew you wanted to go, but you are not sure how it is going to be once you get there. Pregnancy is something that is different for every woman, and you won't know what to expect until you have gone through it for the first time. Even then, the second is not going to be exactly like the first. Your first pregnancy is going to be a time of anticipation and wonder, and also a voyage of discovery. You are going to be amazed at what your body can really do.

Your first pregnancy is going to probably start out like any other pregnancy. You are going to be sick and tired. Some do not get that sick and some have good energy, but most have some tendencies to be very tired and they feel sick to the stomach throughout much of the first trimester. You are going to see if you get sick every morning, if you just have a lingering nauseous feeling - or if you get severely sick or do not get sick at all. The most energetic people feel a bit sluggish, and those that were not very active to begin with my sleep a lot. You'll see where you fall in this equation very quickly.

Do you consider yourself to be in good health? You are going to find out how right or wrong you are about that during your first pregnancy. Any underlying medical conditions are going to be problems for you if they have yet to be diagnosed. Some of them can be serious, but you could also just find out that you might want to start doing some light, pregnancy safe workouts. You are going to feel your best during the second trimester of your first pregnancy, so if you have problems then, it may just get worse from then on.

The third trimester of your first pregnancy is when you are going to learn a lot about yourself. You are going to be anxious to have your baby in your arms, but you also may be enjoying a few things that you know you won't get to do after the baby comes. You may also experience back pain and other bodily aches that you never know you could endure, all the while understanding that this is what your body was designed to do. You will be cleaning and putting together your nursery while preparing in other ways for your baby to come. You may also be fearing the pain of labor.

The end of your first pregnancy is when you are really going to be changed forever. This is when you find out what you are capable of as you bring a new life into the world. This will be a time of wonder and some pain, but a discovery of your own strength more than anything else. It is a time you will never forget. While you are in labor, you may think you'll never do it again, but by the time that baby is placed in your arms, you may already be thinking that your first pregnancy will definitely not be your last.