
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Starting an Adsense Website Was a Very Good Decision

I recently decided to start a Google Adsense website for a community that has a thriving high school and youth sports scene, and I am already reaping the rewards.

The situation was that the newspaper group for which I wrote had stopped publishing in this community a few months ago, and a lot of the sports teams were getting hardly any coverage by the local newspapers that are supposed to cover them. I have all kinds of connections with coaches and former players in the city, so I decided to move in.

I started an Adsense website devoted to high school and youth sports, and began contacting coaches and players for stories to put on the site. The impact that it made in the community was almost immediate, and with Adsense, it started to pay, too.

I wrote two or three stories a day on the different sports teams, and pretty soon, it was as if the site was taking care of itself. People were submitting story ideas and write ups to me that I would edit or could write in a matter of 10 or 15 minutes, and as time went by, the Adsense clicks really started to pick up.

Within the first three weeks of its existence, the Adsense website had already reached 2,000 page views and made more than $35 on Adsense clicks. As the site continued to grow, I had more and more companies offer to advertise on my site, which just perpetuated the cycle of growth.

The funny thing about it is that I really have not tried to sell any ads locally at this point. I am not able make living off of the Adsense clicks at this point, but I am very encouraged by the amount of income that I have generated in a relatively short time period.

I have also found that it is not just a great way to make good money, but having an Adsense website is a lot of fun. I am providing information about a subject that I really enjoy, and it is always a kick to check the website to see how many page views and ad clicks it has had in a day.

Starting an Adsense website was a very good way for me to supplement my income. I did have what seemed to be a perfect storm of opportunity in the sense that I had all kinds of contacts, had knowledge of how to run a website and was covering a community that does not have a newspaper. I really do believe, however, that it just comes down to finding your own niche.