
Friday, April 24, 2015

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Getting pregnant means gaining weight. This is usually one of the things that most women dread, but they also know they are gaining for a very good reason. Some can gain too much, and when they do, they risk their own health as well as the health of their baby. Some are okay, but they can never get all of that weight off after the baby comes. Weight gain during pregnancy is essential for the most part, but you should know that you may not have to gain very much to have a happy and healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby.

If you are slender when you become pregnant, your weight gain during pregnancy is going to be a bit more than you think. Some think they only have to gain as much weight as the baby will be, and then they think everything else is a mistake. The baby has a target weight, but there is also other things that cause weight gain. The placenta and amniotic fluid add some pounds, and so do your swelling breasts. Your body also wants some extra padding on your frame. This is not a bad thing, and for most slender women, not hard to get rid of if you keep weight gain in check.

Those that have some extra pounds when they get pregnant do not need to gain as much as those that are slender, but they may still be advised by a doctor to gain. This is for the health of the baby, so do not ignore this advice. Weight gain during pregnancy can be hard to deal with when you already feel bad about your weight, but now is not the time to diet. You can safely gain a little weight, and your baby will thank you for it. You want to make sure you eat all the right things, and understand that some weight gain is a good thing.

For those that are obese, or close to obese, weight gain during pregnancy can be dangerous. Ask your doctor about your current weight and what you should shoot for while you are pregnant. Those that are too overweight or that gain a lot are in danger of getting gestational diabetes. This can lead to health complications for the mom and the baby, and most babies that come from moms with this condition are usually very large. Cesareans are often needed in this case. Talk to your doctor about weight management while pregnant, and follow instructions if you are diagnosed with GD will pregnant.

Over all, weight gain during pregnancy is perfectly normal. Gaining weight in your belly is natural and should be embraced. Do not call yourself names or feel that you are gross. You are growing a baby inside of you and your body is doing what it needs to do to make sure your baby is healthy when born. There is always time after wards to get the extra weight off. If you stay within your doctors guidelines for weight gain, you won't have to work too awful hard to get those extra pounds back off after birth.