
Friday, April 24, 2015

Weight Lifting Routines for People Over 50

Persons over fifty years of age have their own unique challenges when it comes to getting or staying in shape. What worked for someone age fifty even ten years prior in their lives just would not be appropriate when they reached the big Five-O. Many people in their fifties suffer from physical problems such as arthritis, high blood pressure, heart problems, and other ailments that make it especially challenging when it comes to working out. Finding weight lifting routines that suit their abilities is the key to establishing core fitness and increasing their strength and stamina.

Weight lifting routines can be extremely harmful if not done correctly and it is always wise if you are not familiar with the machines and weights to get some professional instruction or coaching. Most people go to gyms such as Ballys, 24-Hour Fitness or another chain. These gyms have professional athletes and trainers on staff that can help you find the right weight lifting routines and aerobic fitness exercises for you.

Working with free weights is always tricky and you should be very careful. Work with the dumbbells first and use only very light weights as you build up resistance and strength. Many experts suggest using light weights and more repetitions as a way of strengthening muscles without damaging them. You should feel the burn but not extreme pain. If you do feel a pinch or other form of acute pain, you may have pinched a nerve or you could be damaging a joint and need to stop immediately.

Using the lightweight dumbbells you can try the following exercise. Lay down on one of the benches and place on dumbbell in each hand. Extend your arms out to the sides and raise them again upwards and towards the middle of your chest. These are called Flys and will help to strengthen the outer chest muscles. The good thing about using light weights is that you will not need much recovery time between sets.

Another of the best weight lifting routines for the chest that can be done with the same bench and dumbbells is a straight bench press. Put one dumbbell in each hand and lay back on the bench. Place your feet up on the bench if you can to make sure that your lower back is flat on the bench. Lift the dumbbells up simultaneously from your chest until your arms extend then bring the weights back slowly. If you do this exercise slowly you will get the negative resistance on the way down which works different areas of the same muscle groups and will give you a more all around workout.

Another of the best weight lifting routines for seniors is an overhead military press with light weight dumb bells. There are special benches for this that you sit on and support your back. Sit on the bench with your back flat against the support and raise the weights up over your head simultaneously until your arms extend. Do three sets of fifteen repetitions until you feel the burn. This exercise is great for the shoulders and neck. The next day you should feel sore but not injured.

These are just some of the great weight lifting routines for persons over fifty. Of course it is strongly suggested that you see your personal physician first and get their approval before starting out on any fitness program.