There is a big difference between not wanting to have children and not being able to have them. Some women make the choice not to have a family in this manner, but they could if they want to. However, knowing that you can't have kids can be one of the hardest things a woman has to face. Infertility is very common, but the word is a little misleading. Some prefer to call it fertility challenged. They still have hope for having kids, it is just going to be a bit harder and whole lot more expensive than those that have no fertility issues of which to speak. Treatment for infertility is out there though, and can be quite effective.
Some women have no idea why they are infertile. Other women know why and that makes finding the right treatment for infertility easier. Some of the common reasons why women have problems conceiving are PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, damage to part of their reproductive system, or weight issues, like being extremely over or under weight. There are other reasons out there too. Knowing the cause of infertility goes a long way towards fixing the problem obviously. Sometimes, the issue is with the man, not the woman.
There are drugs ranging from a pill you take five days out of your cycle to injections and surgical intervention that can be used as a treatment for infertility. Some medications must be injected to stimulate ovulation, and sometimes tubes need to be fixed inside the female or excess tissues must be removed from the reproductive system. Though some of these can be a bit painful and time consuming, they often help a couple start their family. Even if you have to have your eggs and sperm united in a lab and then implanted, you still have a chance.
Women who face fertility issues due to too much or too little weight can work on these issues on their own. It is not always as simple as gaining or losing weight though. Those with some medical conditions have trouble with both. Each body has its own idea of what it wants to be, and some people can eat and eat without gaining, and some can diet for months without losing more than a few pounds. However, if you seek treatment for infertility, try to see what you can do on your own first before putting yourself through medical procedures to have children.
Sometimes, those with minor fertility issues try so hard and can not get anywhere. Some say that stress is the problem, though there are no studies out there that prove you can try too hard to have a baby. There have been many couples that have given up on treatment for infertility and gave up on having a baby, only to get pregnant right after. Perhaps there is something to the stress part of the equation. If you are trying hard and not getting anywhere, see a doctor, but try not to put so much stress on yourself that your body rebels. The mind is very powerful, and perhaps all you need is time.