
Monday, August 31, 2015

Typing At Home

If you want to find work as a writer, administrative assistant, or perhaps a receptionist, there is real value in having good typing skills. Though this is something that use to be a requirement in a high school curriculum, some consider it an elective these days. Perhaps you only took one year when two years would have been ideal. No matter what you want to do, you can now work on your skills by typing at home whether you want to work from home or if you want to brush up for a big job search.

Those taking college classes for jobs that require good typing skills may be surprised to find that no such classes exist in some business schools or colleges. This is because most that sign up for these are already good typists, or the schools assume that they are. You may not be, and if you have not spent a lot of time on a computer, you may really need some help. Even then, some that have computers never learn to type properly and are actually very good at hunt and peck. If this is you, you want to practice typing at home.

In order to learn the right way to type, you have to have instruction. You have to learn where your fingers should rest on a keyboard for good typing at home instruction. You have to learn how to hold your arms so that you are not going to up your chances of having carpel tunnel issues in the future. You also have to learn which fingers are supposed to reach for what keys, and how to get to the numbers without having to look down to reset where your hands are supposed to be. That really slows you down when typing, which is the opposite of what you want.

You can buy programs to help you with typing at home. These will start simple and test you each step of the way so that you know how fast you are typing and how many errors you are making per minute. You can find some of these things online as well. Typically, when graded on typing, the errors simple add to your time as a score, but not all do it that way any longer. For a good typing job outside of the home, you really want to be above sixty words per minute, with thirty five per minute being the minimum for jobs that require typing, but there is not the main focus of the job. Accuracy is highly recommended over speed, but both are necessary.

If your children are getting online and using your computer for homework, try to work on typing at home with them before they get too old. Those that learn to hunt and peck often have a harder time learning how to type the right way. You can find fun ways to get them typing in the correct manner, but make sure you start them early so they are not totally reliant on looking at their keyboard to find letters. The sooner they start learning the right way to type the better they are going to be when they get older. Sometimes, old habits are just too hard to break.