When you have a baby, you get an ultrasound to make sure the baby is of the right size, to detect a heartbeat, to confirm the pregnancy, and to study the health of the baby. You will get one for any or all of those reasons. Some women have two ultrasounds, or even more if a problem is suspected. When you walk away from these appointments you leave with precious ultrasound pictures of your baby. You can store these away and save them, or you can find something to so to display them or save them in a special way that you will always enjoy.
Most ultrasound pictures you get are going to be on very flimsy paper that is used as a printout on most ultrasound machines. This paper can tear very easily so it might be wise to take something with you to your ultrasound appointments to put them in to take home. Keep them in there (unless showing them off, of course) until you decide what you want to do with them. If you are getting one done that can be recorded on DVD, you can print out your own shots at home on your home computer in most cases. This is often done with 3D ultrasound, and some come out really great.
Find a special glue that will not harm the paper and put them on cardboard or greeting card stock paper. You can go into any craft store, or shop an online craft store, to find a glue type, usually in stick form, that is great for scrap-booking. This glue will not cause your ultrasound pictures to deteriorate like other craft glue you may use for construction paper or other home crafts for kids. If you are not sure, get glue specifically design for a scrapbook or for other delicate crafts.
You can then trim around your ultrasound pictures so that the backing is not noticeable or so that it has a border, whichever you prefer, and then use it in many different ways to preserve your memory. You can find picture frames that are made just for ultrasound pictures. These say something like 'baby's first picture' or 'my first picture.' You can also make a special scrapbook page in a new book you have bought just to save the memories of your baby's first year. If you are not going to do something like that, you can just secure it inside your baby book.
You may also want to find an ordinary frame to mount your ultrasound pictures, or perhaps you can have a special frame made that uses that picture along with other memories from your pregnancy and birth to hang on your wall. You can find people to put these together for you, or you can do this on your own. It is much like building a scrapbook page, but you are instead doing it with a frame. You can get a flat frame, or perhaps a shadow box if you want to include items that are not flat. These are all great ways to preserve ultrasound pictures for a long time to come.